Thursday, 13 May 2010
Schedule of Work
This is final schedule of work which has been completed from start to finish with all of my expectations and final results of every lesson throughout the creation of my media studies coursework creations
Monday, 3 May 2010
Evaluation For Media Products
Evaluation on Prezi
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Double Page Spread Final Product & Development
Contents Page Final Product & Development
Front Cover Development & Final Product
Monday, 12 April 2010
Images for my Featured Artist
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Contributor Release Form and Risk Assessment
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Double Page Spread Photo shoot
Monday, 15 March 2010
Contents Page Analysis
Monday, 8 March 2010
Photoshop Practice
These pictures show some techniques that are used often in magazine photography such as The Beatles Sgt Peppers album cover, the majority of the background is black and white and I have used photoshop to pick out the main colours of The Beatles in the Sgt Peppers uniform.
Magazine Front Cover and Contents Page Mock ups
These are my Mock ups for the magazine front cover I am going to create. They consist of all key ideas that are needed for a front cover to look professional, such as puffs, strap lines and a mast head. I received inspiration for the layouts for the front cover from such current indie/ alternative rock magazine like NME, Q and Mojo.
Please click the thumbnail to enlarge the image.
This is the mock up of the contents page for my college magazine it has features images and puffs which will attract the page to the reader, it also features a list of all the features that are going to be featured in the magazine and the corresponding page number. At the bottom is a regulars section this is where all the parts of the magazine will be numbered that are regularly in the magazine and aren't for example a exclusive.
Costume for Magazine Photographs
- Skinny/ Slim Fit Jeans
- Band T-Shirts
- Checked Shirts
- Cardigans and Jumpers
- Plimsole Pumps, Trench Boots or Pointy Shoes
- Trilbies/ Flat Caps
- Long Hair
With these above items and costume I believe the actors for my photographs will look suited to the genre of music and will look the part for the magazine. Below is a picture of the Arctic Monkeys, I chose this particular image because the relaxed and uncaring attitude they portray in the picture. Also the clothing they are wearing is very suiting to the style of music.
Thursday, 4 March 2010
This is my final college magazine front cover I created on MS Publisher 2003, click the thumbnail to enlarge the image.
I believe there are many improvements I could do to make the cover sufficiently better. For example the banner across the top of the magazine looks of poor quality because of the poor resolution of the images. Also the main picture is grainy so looks to dark in the background of the cover, I will need to adjust the lighting in my music front cover, also another problem with the image is the flash is visable on the bottom right corner of the computer screen. The puffs on the cover do attract attention, however the font is only Arial and isn't eye catching, this will also need to be adjusted. The Deyes High School font at the top was an attempt of modernising the front cover, however I believe now that it looks out of place of the front cover, also the Deyes Logo and specialist science college logo are noticeably out of resolution to the rest of the cover.
Monday, 1 March 2010
Double Page Spread Analysis
Thursday, 11 February 2010
Mood Board- Indie/ Alternative rock
This is a mood board to show what I believe needs to be concentrated on when I am creating my music magazine. The various images show what is sterotypical 'indie kid' in what they wear, how they perform and how they act. The largest image that acts as the background is the band 'The Drums' this band is one of the most 'indie' bands in the industry, this is why they are the backing for the mood board. At the top left is the wrist band that is given to you at Leeds Festival 2009, this festival is mainly associated with indie/ alternative rock fans.
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
Front Page Creation:- Language
Buzz Words: "Wow", "Exclusive", "Free" are all examples of this.
Puffs: Colourful boxes promoting features inside.
House Style: A magazine's distinctive design that distinguishes it from its competitors.
Strap Line: A slogan
Banner: Text which stands out on a coloured background generally at the bottom of the magazine.
Copy: The Main Story in the Magazine
Anchorage Text: The way in which text helps to pin down the meaning of a picture and vice versa.
Pugs: Placed at the top left and right corners of the paper and are known as the 'ears' of the page. The price of the paper, the logo or a promotion are often positioned there.
Motto: Memorable phrase that is recognisable to a brand
Headline: Catchy Title for the main article
Sell Lines: Text on the front cover that helps to sell the magazine to the audience
Caption: Description of the main image
Masthead: Name of the magazine
Lead: The introductory paragraph of an article. Usually written in bold or capitals.
Drop Capitals: Really big letter that starts off an article
Front Cover Analysis
This is an analysis of Mojo magazine. After Analysis I have found that the magazine would appeal to a older audience, this is mainly down the the colour schemes, main article and price of £4.50.
This is a analysis of the front cover of NME magazine. After analysis I found that the magazine would appeal to youthful audience, this is dues to the bright colour scheme, headline, use of puffs and the price of £2.25
Deyes High School mock- up newsletter
please leave any feedback you feel will assist me in the creation of my final college magazine
Thursday, 28 January 2010
College magazine analysis
This is the analysis of the newsletter of Archbisop Beck. I believe that its bright colour and use of pictures and borders make it more attractive to the students. This would mean it would be read more frequently rather than the Deyes newsletter which lacks any sort of theme
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
My research questionnaire
My questionnaire can be found:
The Genre of my Music magazine
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Introduction to Coursework steps
Research- Current magazines available, Questionnaire, images
- 2x magazine front cover
- 2x magazine contents
- 2x double page spread
- College newsletter