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Thursday, 11 February 2010

Mood Board- Indie/ Alternative rock

This is a mood board to show what I believe needs to be concentrated on when I am creating my music magazine. The various images show what is sterotypical 'indie kid' in what they wear, how they perform and how they act. The largest image that acts as the background is the band 'The Drums' this band is one of the most 'indie' bands in the industry, this is why they are the backing for the mood board. At the top left is the wrist band that is given to you at Leeds Festival 2009, this festival is mainly associated with indie/ alternative rock fans.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Front Page Creation:- Language

In order to complete a good analysis of a front cover, contents page and two page spread I will have to use some of the language shown below which we discussed in lesson the other day.

Buzz Words: "Wow", "Exclusive", "Free" are all examples of this.

Puffs: Colourful boxes promoting features inside.

House Style: A magazine's distinctive design that distinguishes it from its competitors.

Strap Line: A slogan

Banner: Text which stands out on a coloured background generally at the bottom of the magazine.

Copy: The Main Story in the Magazine

Anchorage Text: The way in which text helps to pin down the meaning of a picture and vice versa.

Pugs: Placed at the top left and right corners of the paper and are known as the 'ears' of the page. The price of the paper, the logo or a promotion are often positioned there.

Motto: Memorable phrase that is recognisable to a brand

Headline: Catchy Title for the main article

Sell Lines: Text on the front cover that helps to sell the magazine to the audience

Caption: Description of the main image

Masthead: Name of the magazine

Lead: The introductory paragraph of an article. Usually written in bold or capitals.

Drop Capitals: Really big letter that starts off an article

Front Cover Analysis

This is an analysis of Mojo magazine. After Analysis I have found that the magazine would appeal to a older audience, this is mainly down the the colour schemes, main article and price of £4.50.

This is a analysis of the front cover of NME magazine. After analysis I found that the magazine would appeal to youthful audience, this is dues to the bright colour scheme, headline, use of puffs and the price of £2.25

Deyes High School mock- up newsletter

Below is the mock up I have created for the Deyes High School newsletter, whilst creating this I had the idea that the newsletter should be aimed at the students of Deyes High School. I believe that I have started to portray this vision by the use of the fonts I have used for the masthead, also I haven't used the Deyes Logo and specialist science college logo as the central piece of the newsletter, instead I have used a image of students and two puffs in order to attract students to the magazine.

please leave any feedback you feel will assist me in the creation of my final college magazine